As you may know, SCHS has no track facility on campus. This has not stopped us from fielding competitive teams year after year. Imagine how much the quality of our program will improve once we get our own track!
Until we get our track, we can use a roll-out runway for sprint training on campus. Ideally, we would like at least 150 feet of material. Our friends at On Track & Field will know what to do!
The Freelap Timing System is an easy-to-use, fully automated timing system that is designed for a wide variety of training scenarios including track and field and virtually any sport that involves speed training.
Firefly is a revolutionary new way to recover from workouts 3x faster by increasing full-body blood flow.
We encourage our athletes to bring their own reusable and refillable water bottles to practice, but nobody's perfect. Occasionally they forget, so the coaches keep a stock of disposable water bottles.
We can use lighter dumbbells for arm swinging and shoulder exercises. Our weight room is well equipped with heavy weights and not so much for lighter.
As mentioned, our weight room is well equipped with heavy weights and not so much for lighter. We need 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 lb. dumbbells.
Wireless Tens Muscle Stimulator
Two sets of tens-unit massagers which are used for pain relief and muscle stimulation after workouts. They are controlled by a wireless app with 12 modes. Additional units with spare pads will be appreciated as well.
A targeted back foam roller set for back pain relief and deep tissue massage. Functional design, built to last, targets key pressure points, easy to use.
We use money to buy things for ourselves! For example, we recently purchased our high jump from Royal High School thanks to generous donations from our community.
Contact the SCHS office to make a potentially tax-deductible donation to our team!
Gift Cards
We can use gift cards from any restaurant or store to buy supplies, offer as raffle prizes, fundraising rewards, or include in our annual auction basket.
Does your elementary school have a scrip program? Use it to support two organizations at once!
Your Valuable Time
We can use your help volunteering at practice and meets, coordinating fundraisers, arranging team communications, carpools, snacks, and more. If you can't think of a way to help, just ask!
If your business wishes to sponsor our team, we will do our best to show appreciation by hanging banners, promoting you on our website, sharing on social media, or any other way we can imagine!
Donations may be tax-deductible and/or contribute toward parent hours.