Frequently Asked Questions
What are the anticipated costs?
The sports fees for Track and Cross Country (XC) are around $200 each, which fundraisers may offset. You will also need to purchase running shoes, athletic wear, and if necessary, spikes. Contact the coaches for more information. We provide uniforms for the meets.
When are practices scheduled and for what time?
Off-season practices are on various days from 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:00 or 5:30 PM or as late as 5:30-6:30 PM. During the season, we practice daily from 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:00 or 5:30 PM. On Saturdays and school holidays, we train as early as 9:00 AM. We believe rest is part of training, and we practice less than just about any other team on campus.
Santa Clara has no track. Where are practices located?
We practice on campus and off. At school, we have various spots to train and can send distance runners out. We also have a first-rate weight room. For track facilities, we carpool to other schools to use their tracks. Also, we train at local parks or the beach.
Do you have track and XC meets during the week or on weekends only?
The team will have track and XC meets on weekdays and weekends. On weekday league meets, everyone competes. While some weekend invitationals have strict qualifying standards, most athletes will qualify to compete. Every student must stay until the end of every league meet.
When attending a track or XC meet, do they take a bus, or do parents drive to other schools?
On weekday meets we always have a school van, but there may be exceptions where we ask for help from parent drivers. For some weekend meets parents need to drive their athletes or arrange carpools, but most of the time we use the school van.
Which schools hold the meets?
League track meets are held at Villanova Prep. For other track and XC meets, check our calendar on the Band App.
Can my son/daughter do track & field without doing cross country in the fall?
Your athlete does not need to do cross country in the fall and can do off-season track or another sport. We encourage all of our track athletes to try cross country and our XC runners to try track!
Are there tryouts to make the team?
We do not need to hold tryouts. We welcome athletes of all abilities! Be sure to complete the SCHS athletic packet before joining: Click here to download the athletic packet.
Do you accept donations? Does volunteering earn parent hours?
As a matter of fact, we can always use something! Check our wishlist page here. Click here to make a cash donation via e-Team. Thank you very much! Contact coaches for parent hour opportunities.