Why Does Telemarketing Help You Generate Qualified Leads?

  • PhoneHawks - Aug 19, 2020 - 5 min read

Even with the best product in the world, your business is doomed to fail if no one knows about it. You'll be destined to join the growing number of startups that crash and burn in their first 5 years.

Those with the most leads win. If you generate more leads but have an average product - you still win. Because leads mean more revenue and profit most of the time.

But generating leads isn't enough.You need to have better and qualified leads for your business.

Telemarketing is one of the most effective ways to generate more and qualified leads.


Let's face it. A qualified list of prospects for your salespeople is far better than several that aren't qualified at all.

In the lead generation process, a quick call to a target lead can give you the information you need to know. Conversations over the phone with leads can help you to better qualify that lead.

You can ask questions surrounding objections, budgets, and more.

Lead generation does provide you with prospects, but talking to them gives you a better idea of where they stand in the buying stages.

Telemarketing will help you identify the contact you need, the answers you're looking for, and find out what objections may arise. It gives you the chance to build trust, relationship security.

It helps you discard the uninterested leads and invest in interested prospects. This way you can save countless hours of rejection, and only focus on potential, qualified, interested candidates.

How do you qualify leads?

During telemarketing conversation, you need to go with some helpful questions to qualify leads and make sure you don't miss out on any opportunities. Check out these powerful qualifying questions.

Telemarketing provides honest and direct answers straight from the target audience.

And if you get answers to your questions, you'll know where to work with your preferred design.

PhoneHawks can help both lead generation and lead qualifications. We assist customers in developing scripts that will cater to their specific telemarketing needs.

Check out our services here: https://rb.gy/fctmfq

We allow you to focus on the core aspects of your business while having the peace of mind that your customers are in good hands.

#leads #telemarketing #qualifiedleads