The Power Duo to Grow Your Business

  • PhoneHawks - Oct 9, 2020 - 3 min read

Social Media + Telemarketing

Hiring an effective B2B telemarketing company will help your business grow your sales. But in this day and age, you can’t afford to ignore digital marketing, but you cannot neglect your telemarketing efforts either. Why not combine the two?

Strong Social Media Presence

Social media presence can bring a huge potential profit for your business. It can help you find your prospective clients, introduce yourself, connect, and engage with them through discussion groups and regular updates. Given that you actively engage industry issues, offer advice to your prospects, and share useful content online you will get visible and slowly establish yourself as an industry leader.

If your social media efforts are consistent, you will gain credibility and trust. Also, by following and engaging conversations with your prospects in online groups and forums you will be able to capture their business preferences and requirements. This helps you understand your target market and keep up-to-date with new trends.

But is it enough? While social media builds awareness and interest with your business, it often takes a lot of time before any significant results can be achieved. Furthermore, while your online connections may be happy to engage with discussion with you online, any direct sales efforts would probably be ignored. This is when telemarketing comes in handy.


Unlike Social Media, telemarketing does not allow you to reach masses with little effort. Also, cold calling is often seen as an intrusive way of being contacted. Regardless, it has lots to offer – it brings B2B to the next level as it allows direct contact with your prospects with an almost immediate outcome. It helps reach businesses faster and get a quicker response. Also, it increases the likelihood of getting your message directly to the right decision-maker. A direct and more personal approach is more likely to generate a deeper interest in your services, and will ultimately generate ROI.

The Power of the Duo: Success = Social Media + Telemarketing

As you can see, both social media and telemarketing offer a huge potential on their own. However, their true strength is revealed when united in a marketing strategy.

Consider this: while online platforms can build a strong awareness of your brand among a wide community of uses, it is telemarketing, with its direct and personal approach, that will secure your business deals. At the same time, background knowledge of your prospective client from your online engagement can warm up a cold call – you simply know more about people you talk to, and they are already familiar with you and your brand. Consequently, this will more likely generate a successful outcome.

If you have any questions concerning this or other business marketing strategies, contact Phone Hawks by calling 1-805-874-2829.